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Zimpelman, Georg

Lafayette Cemetery Number 1, New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, USA

Grab-Standort: Sq 3: 227

Besitzer des Originals bzw. der VorlageMike & Bushy Hartman
Datum3 Nov 2014
Größe283 x 741
Verknüpft mitZimpelman, Georg

Lafayette Cemetery #1, New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, USA

Notizen: 10.285 Graves (Mrz 2020)
Washington Ave, New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, USA
Alias: Washington Cemetery
Lafayette Cemetery #1 was established in 1833 in what is now known as the Garden District of New Orleans but at that time the area was known as the city of Lafayette. The city square was acquired by the city from Cornelius Hurst and the cemetery was laid out. The entrance is on Washington Avenue. Interestingly, a walk through the cemetery shows more Irish and German names on the tombs than the French and Spanish names that are found in the older St. Louis Cemeteries. The cemetery was dedicated to Theodore Von LaHache in 1823, a musician who founded the New Orleans Philharmonic Society. The dedication hangs below the front gate entrance on Washington Avenue. Lafayette Cemetery #1 is now a tourist destination for visitors who want to experience New Orleans' "Cities of the Dead."

Lafayette Cemetery #1


   Vorschaubild   Beschreibung 
1Zimpelman, Georg Zimpelman, Georg
Lafayette Cemetery Number 1, New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, USA 

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